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Release notes CloudOffice ver.

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New features

Control for duplicates in Items and Companies

CloudOffice helps you to avoid duplicates in your catalogues for Items and Companies.
When saving a customer or an item, the system will check automatically if any similar records already are registered in the system. If such are found, CloudOffice will show you suspected duplicates and compare information in these records. You will be given a few options on how to resolve the situation.


Control for duplicates in Items and Companies


You can use this function and merge any companies or products chosen manually. If you have any items or customers to be merged, you can select them in the catalogue and click on a command in menu More actions – Merge selected… The system will show you differences between the records and provide different options how you merge the records.


Merge of Companies or Items


When merging records, CloudOffice will analyze all linked information of the duplicate and relink it to the merged item or customer.

You keep your records in a structured and organized manner!

VAT validation by VIES

Our new feature will help you to validate your customer’s and supplier’s VAT numbers using the European VIES system. This is very important if your company is dealing with customers within EU. According to the rules, it is your obligation to check if your client has a valid VAT number. Based on that you can assign a correct VAT type and account VAT in a right way.


VAT number validation via VIES


VAT validation is available on your customer’s or supplier’s card, next to the VAT number.

The service requires no extra subscription or fee.


The new feature will remind you about important events. You can set a reminder for most of the objects in the system. It can be anything from your clients and suppliers to items, different documents like Sales Order and Supplier Order and many more.




Depending on the object you can set reminders based on different bases. It can be a certain time like “tomorrow at 15.00” or after a specified time like “in 30 minutes”. For documents such as Sales Order you can set time before delivery date. For document Sales Invoice you can set a time before the due date. CloudOffice will keep you reminded!

Email templates

The templates will help you save time by generating standard emails for different occasions.
Many business routines are based on standard actions. For instance, we write emails to our customers to follow-up potential deals, we send reminders, order confirmations and much more. Next time you need to send a standard email, you can do this in no time, just using a template created beforehand.


Template for email


The templates have different automations, for example the template can get your customers name, the customer’s company name and much more. This allows you to write nice letters without spending too much time.