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FTI administration in CloudOffice

We at CloudOffice are proud to have developed a new FTI function that makes it easier for our customers to manage their packaging and newspaper reporting. Our new function gathers all product information and their FTI value in CloudOffice, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. FTI stands for Packaging and Newspaper Collection and …


How to automate your business – project driven approach

An enterprise automation is the company’s transformation to improve efficiency through automation. Automation is based on a chosen accounting system, which, if necessary, is customized to meet the specific requirements of the customer. Automation can also lead to some changes in the processes of the enterprise. Automation often uses a project-based approach, which is based …

Business automation

Release notes CloudOffice ver.

New functions Subsystem Production A new subsystem has been added. This is used for planning and accounting for production in a company. The system includes all the necessary documents, reference books and reports. Production Order document The Production Order document is used for planning production and for reserving of raw materials or components needed for …

Production (illustration)

What is a VAT identification number?

A VAT identification number is also called a Value Added Tax number, VAT registration number or VAT number. (VAT = Value Added Tax) It is an identifier used in many countries for value added tax purposes. The Swedish VAT identification number is issued by the Swedish Tax Agency, when a person or company registers for …

VAT number

Batch numbers and serial numbers

There are various types of goods that require accounting by batches and individual product units. For this reason batch numbers and serial numbers are used. Such goods are usually labeled at production, then information can be found in the accounting system at the manufacturer and those who are selling these products. Using these numbers, you …

Batch and serial numbers management