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What is a VAT identification number?

VAT number

A VAT identification number is also called a Value Added Tax number, VAT registration number or VAT number. (VAT = Value Added Tax) It is an identifier used in many countries for value added tax purposes.
The Swedish VAT identification number is issued by the Swedish Tax Agency, when a person or company registers for VAT in Sweden.
According to the law, the seller’s VAT number must be stated on invoices and receipts.
In some cases, the buyer’s VAT number must also be displayed on invoices, e.g. reverse charge in Sweden, tripartite trade and trade within the EU.
Read more on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website.

What is my VAT identification number?

VAT identification number (VAT number) in Sweden consists of country code SE followed by the registration number or personal ID number without hyphens and end with 01.

VAT identification number (company)

Swedish registration number has 10 digits in the format of XXXXXX-XXXX. To build a VAT identification number based on the organization number, Sweden’s country code SE must be entered before the organization number and end with 01.
“SE” + XXXXXX-XXXX + “01”
No hyphens, spaces or punctuation marks may occur.
The VAT identification number for companies will be SEXXXXXXXXXX01.

VAT identification number (sole proprietorship)

VAT identification number for sole proprietorships (individual traders) are based on 10-digit social security numbers ÅÅMMDD-XXXX. Country code SE for Sweden is entered before the social security number and the number ends with 01.
“SE” + YYMMDD-XXXX + “01”
No hyphens, spaces or punctuation marks may occur.
The VAT identification number for a sole proprietorship will be SEÅÅMMDDXXXX01.

EU VAT-number with reference to reverse charge within EU

If you sell goods or services to another EU country, with reference to reverse charge, i.e. the customer is liable for the tax, you must receive a VAT number from the buyer to be able to invoice without VAT. The sale must be reported in your VAT return.
VAT numbers in European countries have different lengths, but they always start with a country code.

Validation of VAT number

You must always check that the buyer’s VAT number is correct.
You can check VAT numbers for free through a European Commission database, called VIES.
CloudOffice has a built-in function that checks VAT numbers automatically, read more here.